Hi, its your slut Janie here. My daddy is till very upset with me. He tells me all the time that he does not approve of what I am doing. But, is it really wrong? I mean come on I get to fuck hot men and they get to fuck me. What the hell could be wrong with that?
Well, frankly I do not care what he thinks anymore I am going to continue being the dirty little slut that I am. Today I got dressed for school but when I got closer to the school I changed clothes into a hot pink mini skirt and a white tank top. NONE of the guys at my school could keep their eyes off of me. But, there is this one football player, that I am really thinking about just giving into I want his hard cock inside my pussy. I want him to taste all my sweet juices.
All the girls look at me and call me a slut. Like I even care I know what the hell I am. They are just jealous cause I already had all their boyfriends, and their Daddies! Giggle!