My big hard gorgeous chocolate cum-filled cock wants to dive into your wet and splashing boy cunt. I can’t wait to give you all of me, every part of my satisfying substantially enormous erect sweet chocolate cock. I want you to desire me every single day, I want you to yearn for me in your dreams and wake up demanding me. I want you to go to sleep aching for my cock to be inside of your ripe wet hole. You know how much I love you and I love penetrating that boy cunt of yours it makes me feel so viciously dominant to have you bent over like I have you. While you look into my eyes and suck my cock that makes me crazy too, I love you on your knees yes. I need to treat you to some satisfying jizz and let you enjoy the taste of me. You’ve got to work for me and you know exactly what I mean you’ve got to work for the real raw meat to be inside of you. I want you right now I want you tomorrow, I wish for you the next day, and I want you after that. You had better make way for us because I don’t care what happens I just want to be together. You work so hard to make our relationship possible you buy me beautiful gifts, and I appreciate it, you allow me to be sexy for you and I love that. You are the lover of my dreams because I can breed you and you know precisely what I’m talking about. I dreamt about you last night I was pounding inside of you and I exploded into cum guzzling goodness, and you got pregnant. My love, I want you to know that was the most intense dream I had had in so many sleepless nights. Let me feel that boy cunt up with my baby making juices.