I felt amazing, the music pumped louder and louder and it seemed like we were in sync every last one of us. My outfit glowed in the dark just like everyone else. I loved the vibe at this club it was very euphoric. I wasn’t here to dance though, I was here for one thing and one thing only. I need a good time, a good time that I can take home and play with. I have made sure to wear my short mini dress that clings tightly to my body. You’d be a fool to not be able to spot my package between my legs but most of them were too busy looking at my tits! I knew that before I knew it I would find the perfect man to take home. By the end of the night, the options for me had grown and now I got to pick and choose who I wanted to play with and spend the rest of my night with ya know cumming with and all. I am happy with my pick. We are headed home now and I can feel that vibe following with us!