As you know sometimes when you get all fucked up you get so fucking HOT! I dont know what my last round of powder was cut with. But I was fucking BURNING UP!!! All of us were! The dude who brought me the powder had already taken a big hit! Right in the middle of fucking my youngest he starts sweating like CRAZY! It hit me right after that! Its like it was 1000 degrees! But once you start fucking on powder you can NOT stop! So we had to improvise! That meant moving the fucking into the deep freezer! He had this walk in deep freezer! The girls were so cold they were shivering all over his cock. He said it was like a vibrator! They were shaking all over his dick! And those pretty little nipples were soooo fucking hard! I have to admit watching my frozen little whores getting fucked in a freezer was the highlight of my year! The colder they got the hotter the sex was!