Shiny Pennies

Black Cock Phone Sex



It was said that he slept with a man by his side. It was said that his wife wasn’t the only sexual flavor and his life. It was said that he had a special urge for meat that was raw and had a shallus that other women couldn’t compete with. It was said all these things about him I think I believe it too. It was said he was more than a great man he loved great men in his mouth. I like to call him my shiny penny because his favorite flavor was brown and plenty and he rolled around in the dirt with many. But he wasn’t fighting he was loving I imagine if they had cameras then he would be so lit up it would be awesome and I would watch it over and over again that’s all I have to say about that. We all know our shiny penny we all know what he did it’s okay we forgive him in fact we like it most of us are turned on by being not so normal. So we don’t mind you shiny penny and we don’t care that you like plenty and we do not mind at all that you like big dicks and getting fucked in the ass yes. Because the fact is some of us like to watch it like me.


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