I feel that truly hot phone sex can be simply a well told story, and being the season for ghost stories, here’s one of my favorites!
She floated, unseen, room to room, no concept of time passing, only the pain that ached in her soul. She had been so very in love, then suddenly, she was dead. She wanted to scream, to cry her agony to the world, but no one could hear her, save for the little whispers and shadows at the corner of someone’s eye. She couldn’t tell, but nearly a century had passed since the saloon she died in had existed. Now in it’s place stood a B-n-B, all alone under the weeping willows. So peaceful, and quiet… mostly.
There was a new resident for the weekend. He was laying on the bed, stretched lazily out over the covers, naked. She hovered, unseen and unheard above him. Was this her lost love? Memories are so fluid when you’re of a different plane of existence.
She lowered down over him, breathing on his skin, raising gooseflesh along his body. She played her fingers around his member, making it rise. He moaned gently in his sleep. She focused her energy and took him in her mouth. He gasped, but did not stir otherwise. She kept working her head up and down on his cock, teasing and licking as it started to drip precum.
Readjusting, she crouched over him, yet made no impression upon the blankets. Lowering her hips, she impaled herself upon him, burying his cock deep within her pussy.
She rocked back and fourth, harder and harder.
He came as he woke, knowing only the seemingly empty room, and a hauntingly good wet dream…