Just like so many of you out there, I am snowed in. Normally that would suck ass big time. But my brother is here with me so it isn’t so bad. We have been without electric for two days now so to keep warm we have spent our time enjoying sexy role play games. My brother and I both have very vivid imaginations where role play is concerned. We have played everything from mommy and daddy to maid and master…but the one that I really liked was when we played bride and groom We dug out our parent’s old wedding tux and dress and got all dressed up. We made up vows that fit our mock ceremony. Do you promise to lick and suck each other daily, to swallow every drop, to always be kinky in sickness and health, sharing with others until death do you part? They were the perfect vows and I think if I ever get married I will use them myself. We had a little mock reception and got nice and fucking drunk before enjoying our honeymoon. Right now we are resting up for the next role play. I must say this is the best way to stay warm while we weather the storm. Hope your out there having some fun of your own!