I’m a soccer mom. Not your typical one however. My brats are inherited from my husband’s first marriage. I’m the trophy wife living the boring life of a suburban mommy. Can’t do it. I’m a slut wife who wants cock. Cock not belonging to her husband. Now, I am an equal opportunity slut wife. I don’t care your age or your race. I just care that you have a nice hard working cock to fuck me with. I’m talking ass pounding here.
Imagine my surprise when my step son brought home a few of his little friends after a soccer match. Young hot sweaty horny boys were all around me. I suggested we hose off in the pool. When I explained I had no swim trunks for any of them they decided to go commando in the pool. I was watching hot morsels cannon ball off the dive board and my pussy started purring. I jumped into the pool with them. No clothes of course. Didn’t want them to feel bad being naked. I don’t really swim. I float with my big tits and ass.
The boys seemed very aware of that fact and clung to my body like it was a life preserver. I had young hands groping my big tits, boy cocks brushing up against me. I couldn’t be good! I’m a MILF. My libido is twice what it used to be. My sex drive is in overdrive, so I started groping back. I had boy dick in my hands and mouth. Even had boy cock rubbing on my boobs. As boys blew their loads on me, others did their best to shove their cocks in my pussy. I was able to get more than one in my snatch at once. I love horny young boys. Their dicks may not be huge yet, but they get hard over and over and over again.
I had myself an impromptu pool boy orgy today. I made sure my son’s friends knew they were welcome in my home any time. I will entertain the entire fucking school. My husband doesn’t seem to care whom I fuck as long as I stay his trophy wife. I really am a lucky woman. A wealthy hubby who provides for me, two strapping young step sons who adore me and access to all at the boy cock I could dream of having. Jealous? Don’t be. I share and let folks watch.