I love phone sex. I don’t exactly have the kind of life I can tell just anyone about, you know? I can’t exactly introduce myself to some one and say, “My name is Blair. I like yoga, scary movies, doing coke and fucking my young sons.” However, I can say that to you! I don’t have a real girlfriend. I have incest mommies that I swap sons with sometimes. I have my mother, but I have no female friends I can do girl things with. That all changed this week. I met Julie at a movie. She went alone too. We were the only ones in the matinee of Annabelle on Wednesday. She asked if she could sit next to me. We gabbed a drink after the movie. She is a single mom, new to town and shares custody of her teen boy with her ex-husband. After a bottle of wine, we spilled our dirty secrets. We have a lot in common, including being raised in an incest family. Her mother fucked her brother too. She plays with her son. She was my soulmate! She came back home with me and we fucked. She is fond of coke too. My son was home and he fucked the shit out of my new friend. He loves playing with a MILF. He was excited as I was for me to have a sexy mommy friend!