This phone sex mommy was feeling wicked and kinky last night. It must have been Halloween in the air. My mom took the boys trick or treating at the mall. The city had the official trick or treating over the weekend because it was going to be super cold today. The temps plummeted about 40 degrees. The mall was doing a special trick or treat thing, so the boys wanted more candy of course. I wanted my own treat. I called up my drug dealer and told him I would do anything for a fix. He had me dress up for him. He loves to see me in sexy ass clothes. He made me work for my treat. He was in a BDSM mood. Not his typical hardcore ass fucking mood. He walked me into his basement. I had never been there before. I was surprised to see it was a BDSM house of horrors. I was feeling kinky, but he took kink to another level. He told me most of the shit was for folks who cross him or steal from him. I felt a little relived. I know I am his favorite milf pussy. He enjoys fucking a suburban housewife and hearing about my dirty family fun on his primo product. He escorted me over to his bondage horse. He tied me to it with my stomach down. Okay, he was in a hardcore anal fucking mood, he just wanted me restrained while he fucked my brown eye with his black cock. There was no lube used, so it was a brutal ass fucking. I was high as fuck, so it felt good at the time. Today, I am sitting on a bag of frozen peas. It was all worth it however because I got a big bag of coke. Happy Halloween to me.