Phone sex is the only job I have ever had. Unless you count being a stay at home mommy as being a job. Or being a whore as a job. I am not qualified for much else. I married young, started birthing boys and partying nonstop. Talking dirty seemed like a natural job for me. It was my drug dealer who suggested it. He was like if you are a druggy P mommy, your best option is as a dirty phone operator, a stripper or a porn star. He was right. I decided talking dirty was the best job because I didn’t want to fuck men my age much and I thought my boys might get jealous if I was being paid to fuck other men. They like that I get paid for being a mommy phone sex slut because not only do I talk about them, but I am working from home which means they still have access to my whore holes. They are insatiable little horn dogs too. Most boys their age can spend hours playing video games or watching TV. The only thing that keeps their attention for hours is their mommy’s pussy. They have been fucking me numerous times a day since summer started. I will have empty pussy syndrome when they go back to school next month. My mom thinks I should home school them, so we can fuck them whenever we want. She may have a great idea. Would you like to be home with your whore mother 24/7?