Did you know that here at Fuckalicious we have our very own site mascot? Our mascot is not some kind of furry pet or hot chick, no our mascot is a wimpy little hoopy earring, poopy panty wearing sissy fairy faggot! She dresses up for our boss Levi and humiliates herself on a regular basis for all of our amusement, she even has her very own page on our site! The really hysterically funny part of all of this though, is that this frilly panty wearing princess has a job where she actually pretends to be a MAN every single day!! Can you believe it?! When Levi first told me what our little poopy princess did for a living I laughed for at least 5 minutes! I could barely breathe, I mean seriously once you see this little bitch all dressed up it is absolutely impossible to take her seriously as a MAN! This bitch sings for us and oinks like a lil piggy on our calls, there is nothing remotely mannish about her at all, really she should stop pretending to be a man and just start sucking a REAL man’s cock like she was born to do!