How old was I when the evil got hold of me? Let’s just say, the devil has been speaking to me a long time. You think you have what it takes to get down with the Mother of All Evil, the Devourer of Souls? The thing no good Christian wants to think about is how attractive the dark side is. I mean come on, being good is whatever but being bad? PLEASE. There is NO competition. A christian boy is trying to dance with the devil so to speak. He speaks to me about my Father Satan and thinks about all the evil I have done and will do. He says he practices worshiping but has not committed himself yet. He wants to have his cake and eat it too I think and who wouldn’t. Let’s be real. The more he dances with me, the more he worships Satan, the more he thinks about all the truly terrible things I am actually capable of, the sooner he is going to lose his soul. In the end, I serve the Master no matter what. I’m either recruiting or sacrificing and let’s just say, I don’t need a willing sacrifice. I wonder how long his good christian boy will dance the line before he’s so far gone he doesn’t realize his soul belongs to the devil.