My hot wet beautiful chocolate cunt craves you right now. Please dip your hard white massive cock into my dripping, splashing pussy. I can’t wait to give you all of me, every part of me. I need your substantially enormous erect sweet caucasian cock more than anything. I want you to desire me like I desire you, I want you to have dreams about me. I want you to go to sleep aching for my spicy hot wet cunt hole. I love you, and I love the way you penetrate my cunt. When I suck your cock, and you look into my eyes, it makes me crazy, I can tell that you love me on my knees. I demand that you treat me to some of your gratifying joy jizz and I will let you enjoy a sweet taste of my pussy juices. You’ve got to do the sexual work for me to know how genuinely you want me. I’m craving your throbbing hard raw meat to be inside of me. I want you right now, and I want you every day after. I need you to make a way for us to fuck all the time. I don’t care what anyone thinks about us I want to be with you. You make our relationship pleasant, you make me desire you more and more each day, and I appreciate you so much. You allow me to be my sexy for you and I cherish that. You are the best lover in my life. I want you to breed me. I want your seed growing inside of my belly.