You know I like it rough. Fuck me like you hate me. Fuck me like your trying to snuff me out. You know what gets me going. I like to feel all the frustrations that you have acquired since the last time you were able to relieve them. I want you to take it out on my pussy. I want you to fuck me so hard I can barely walk when its all over. I want you to make me scream like my nipples are being cut off one by one. Can you do that? Pain me good. I’m sure I deserve it anyway. Punish me for being the disrespectful slut that I am. No amount of hurt is too much for me daddy. You didn’t know? I’ve got a high tolerance and I am going to return the favor when your done. We are gonna get down and dirty. There will be blood, sweat and maybe even some tears. That’s why you came to me right? Tonight has no time for limits. Let’s get kinky!