Let me tell you about someone I know…someone who might just make you laugh as much as she made me laugh. Let me introduce to you our site mascot, and our favorite sissy to tease! Not only is she the house sissy, and the piggy mascot…but she’s a sissy fairy faggot she begged and pleaded for humiliation and even HAS to pay for it! Can you believe what she did the other day while we were on the phone? I bet you won’t be able to! Who would have thought a big lawyer and fake man would turn into such a poo poo pansy? Well this sissy fairy faggot has begged and begged for humiliation, she has begged and begged for us to tell the whole wide world about her pathetic sissy ways and she wants it so bad she even pays for the humiliation! Personally, I believe she more than deserves to be publicly ridiculed and perpetually teased! She needs some serious sissy shaming as the things she has done lately more than enough deserve it. I know as you are reading this sissy you are freaking out inside hoping I am not going to tell everyone about your LUMP OF SHAME but you are also secretly wanting me to tell everyone… all about your pansy panty pudding I allowed you to do the just the other day. Tell me pathetic sissy, do you just live for the days that you get permission to be a poo poo pansy? Do you just die for the time you get to spend with a gorgeous goddess of a woman like myself? I already know the answers to all of these questions…and I know everyone else reading this is going to have to agree. Are you feeling completely and utterly humiliated now sissy?