This new year is going to be all about incest phone sex. My boys are growing like weeds and before long they will be in college. I need to make the best of the time I have with them. We got a jump start this week with two snow days. They went back to school on Monday, and by Thursday they had a four-day weekend. It was perfect timing too because Wednesday night, I met with Marcus and scored a big bag of blow. I had gone through my last batch with the holidays. My boys prefer me high. Everyone prefers me high. I am a druggy mommy whore. My two sons are teenagers now. I am almost 40. Time flies. I cannot believe I will be 40 next month. When I started this job, my sons were little squirts, and I was 32. I can still keep up with horny boys, but my medicine helps. Plus, I love drugs phone sex calls. Thursday night as the snow fell, I was doing lines of coke off the coffee table and getting ass fucked by my boys. The older they get, the rougher they fuck mommy. They cannot help it. Their cocks are stiff as boards nowadays and they have lots of pent-up aggression. I let them do a little blow. Not too much. I am not a bad mommy. They just need a little bit to fuck me all night. I have carpet burns on my knees. I have not had that since I was a young coed. That little blow I let them do off mommy’s tits turned them into sex machines for their mommy phone sex whore. Rug burns are a badge of honor though. While we were getting 4-5 inches outside, this mommy was getting 6-7 inches inside. The long weekend is not over either. I am going to keep on fucking and partying with my boys and you.