I put the party in party girl phone sex! It is the weekend baby. All I do is fuck, talk dirty and do lines of coke. If I am lucky, I can do all three at once! I have this party caller I have been talking to for years. He loves to party with me and hear about my latest escapades with young boys and black drug dealers. We had not chatted in a while, so I had a lot to tell him. I started with how I got my weekend party supplies. My black drug dealer Marcus made a house call to deliver a big bag of coke to his favorite mommy whore. Marcus likes to watch me with my sons. He directs the show telling them just how to fuck me. He loves mommy sex. He stroked his big black cock while telling my boys to give me a hardcore ass fucking. My boys love performing for my dealer because the harder they fuck me, the more coke he gives me. And the more coke he gives me, the more I fuck my boys. They fucked me so hard that Marcus gave me enough coke to last a week not just the weekend. Well, maybe it would have lasted longer with some one else, LOL. I was in full party mode this weekend, especially when my fellow party partner called me. I told him all the hot and slutty things I have done with my sons and their friends. My boys overheard me talking about them and busted in on my call. So did my mother. I think they were jealous that I was partying with some one else. They came in and started eating my pussy and fucking me while I was having phone sex. I really am a dirty whore when I am high.
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