I have all the time in the world for hot ass sex. Since it has become more difficult for me to venture out to get dick, I made up some babysitting flyers. I work from home and I am a mommy. I know many people in my community are still working because they have essential jobs. I thought having a stay-at-home-mommy neighbor might work out for some parents since our schools are not going back this semester. I got a bite. Trevor is a doctor and his wife is a pharmacist. They have two young boys. Score! Yesterday, was their first day with me. We had a ton of fun too. Sure, I had to do the online schooling with them and my boys, but once that was over, we had a sex education lesson. I taught them anatomy. My charges were younger than my sons. They are about the age my boys were when we started fucking. Of course, that made me super wet thinking about those cute hairless cocks. My boys know me well. They saw the look on my face. They got the boys to drop their pants. It was easy too. I was in P mommy heaven. I had my two boys and two younger boys, naked in front of me and down to fuck. My two charges’ cocks were small, so I took both in my mouth at the same time, while my sons took my pussy and ass. I can multi-task when it comes to cock. All the boys were burning off some energy. They are cooped up inside, unable to play with their friends, but they can fuck this sexy mommy and dirty milf. My neighbor boys gave me a mixture of piss and jizz. I doubt they have swimmers yet, but their boy goo is yummy. I think I am going to enjoy having them here daily.