Ever wonder what goes bump in the night. What’s scary thing is lurking in the shadows. Nobody ever things that I could be dangerous. And so sweet and innocent looking. Just a tiny little girl. They never realized that I’m your worst nightmare. That I know how I want to play in your blood. Nobody ever guess that I dream of ways to kill you. I love Halloween. I can dress up as a monster that I really am. And everyone thinks I’m just having fun. You’re all such trusts staying in carrying. I can walk away with any man just by batting my pretty little eyes. And telling them that I need help. I hate to break this to you but I don’t need help. I want to change your destiny. I want to fuck you up. That’s exactly what I’m going to do this Halloween. I’m going to kill as many fucking people as I can. I’m going slit your throats and hanging from trees. I’m going to mow you down with my car. I’m going to hack you up into little pieces. Because the scariest thing about Halloween is you will open your door and anybody.