When you are a dirty druggy whore, you have plenty of gang bang phone sex stories. The other night I needed a fix. My mom and I went through all my blow. Like I had zero left and I was in dire need. Marcus, my regular dealer was spending the night in jail again and his operation was shut down. My mom is a genius. She asked my oldest son who was the dealer at school. He knew exactly who his classmates go to for coke, weed and anything else. I sent him a cryptic text, but it is a text any dealer would understand. He knew who I was by reputation. He said he could hook me up with my medicine if I did something for him and his friends. He wanted something all boys want, to fuck a milf. I am always down for a teen gang bang. I love boy cock. This was not my first gang bang in the basement of a boy’s house. The boy had some great blow for a teen. Normally school dealers have pills and pot, but he had anything I could want. All I wanted was coke and boy cock. I got both in spades. An entire football team fucked me for hours. I came home walking funny, high and with cum running down my thighs like a dirty whore. All in the name for mommy’s medicine.