I like Big fat checks! All I want to see is your money; I don’t give a fuck about that petty little dick of yours. Financial Domination Phone Sex is the only way you will be receiving any sort of attention from me! Your pleasure doesn’t matter much to me. There is nothing on this earth that I like more than money, isn’t that obvious… Did you think your pathetic voice can turn me on or the sound of you wanking that useless cock of yours? In your dreams, faggot. I bet even in your dreams, much doesn’t happen for you, Mr. Premature Ejaculator. You call hotlines to speak with a real-life hottie, don’t you… Well, here I am, a real bad bitch ready to take your money! I have the perfect boobs for you to pillow talk on.
Form a single file line and wait your fucking turn. There is a line of losers just like you, waiting for their turn inside of my Young bald pussy…
Sadly that’s a place they never actually get to. Within minutes of my seductive, soothing voice whispering the dirtiest things into their ears, they blow. Just like you will! I don’t have sex for money, but that money of yours is an incentive. A nice thick round ass like mine holds a hefty price tag. I would offer you a pair of my panties but a thick bitch like me surely doesn’t have a pair that’ll fit a shrimpy dick-having, pathetic fuck toy like yours. Your dick is the size of my pinky and there is no denying that. Do you think men with big dicks call Hotlines? I think not! Men with big dicks are either busy fucking your wife or bending you or your son over. Men with small cocks create faggots! It’s awful of you, to even have created another man… Knowing how pathetic you are… How could you have done such a thing?!