Financial Domination Phone Sex hand over the dough. All of it. Going to crush and destroy you. You have choices. First choice hand over then money and nothing happens to you. Don’t hand it over and the next thing you know is going to be plastered all over the net. Everyone will know that you call me. You beg me. I am not above blackmail, and I will do it. Give me all the money and no one knows that you have a thing for feet and being humiliated.
To begin with it will be the foot pictures that have a foot job. Is that dick? I know it is. Cupping your cock. That today is worth $500 cha-ching. Going to run that card. Got the information. You don’t after all want theses getting out. You do have more than Phone sex fetish to be worried about. You have the foot, the humiliation, subjugation, among others. Want me talking? They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Make it dollars and we will be in business.
Now that don’t mean that you won’t be paying daily or weekly but a thousand will keep my fingers from walking over the keys of this here keyboard for a least a day. I will demand that you pay. Time and time again. Sooner or later you will be broke and I will discard you but in the meantime you pay more I tell all your secrets.