It is no secret that I enjoy drugs phone sex. I am a party mom. I like to get high and talk dirty. I like to get high and fuck my sons and their friends. I live in a gated community. My dealer is a black man. When a thug looking black man comes to my neighborhood, he is there to fuck a white woman or sell drugs to her husband. It’s not being racist. It’s just fact. In my case, a gang banger looking black man is selling drugs to me and fucking my slut wife pussy. When you are a woman, you don’t have to pay with cash for coke or weed. You can pay with pussy, especially when your dealer is black. Black men love white pussy. They like it for many reasons. It’s taboo. It’s forbidden, and it is a way to cuckold white men who have try to keep them down for centuries. I am convinced that slavery existed because white men wanted to keep their wives from knowing how big black men’s dicks were. My husband likes that I am a taboo whore. He likes that I am a coke whore too. When I am high, I get naughtier with our boys. Marcus my dealer loves fucking me because he can call me mommy and watch me fuck my sons. If I let my phone sex callers call me mommy, you better believe I will let a black drug dealer call me mommy too. I will do anything for free coke. In fact, last night I did. Marcus brought over about 10 of his friends to gang bang a white MILF. I got a big bag of coke in return. The looks my neighbors gave me this morning when I walked the dogs was priceless. Of course, I was walking funny and I reeked of cum.