So you think you can serve hmm? Have you ever had true Domination Phone Sex? I do not mean with some pathetic wussy wanna be Mistress that can not be any more creative then to cover your nuts with panties and stuff shit up your pussy pocket. I’m talking total control. Control of our SOUL. How far would you go for the Ultimate Mistress of the Night? Would you bleed for me? Choke? Beg me to eviscerate you? Die for me? YAWN….. I grow weary of these pathetic submissive men claiming they can be MY servants. I am not some run of the mill Mistress. If you are looking to truly serve than you must entertain me. You must be prepared to give yourself over to me completely. Put your life in my hands meat bag and bid farewell to your mundane life. The end most likely will come for you while under my control but it will be bloody beautiful. Dark, painful, brilliant. Show me just how obedient you can be. Surrender your body to me. Let me show you the sweet torturous agony of pain and pleasure you were meant to experience. You were made to live and die serving me.
You sound like my kind of Mistress. Take my body and make me suffer. Forget the sissy clothespins and candlewax. Hang me by my ankles while I am naked. Dunk me underwater, get the cat-o-nines out with the razor blade tips and bloody my back. Use the blowtorch on my feet. Make me scream for mercy as you laugh in delight. Torture my worthless cock and cut off my balls. Piss on my face. Throw me into the wood chipper while I am barely still alive. Make me understand I was there for YOUR entertainment.
Oh Yes Mistress take my body and soul and torture me so I can suffer as you laugh at me. I know I will die tonight but it is your pleasure that only matters.