Mommy phone sex with me is so dirty. Why? Because I am a slave to those boy dicks. I can’t get enough of my sons. I fuck them every chance I get. I was very pleased when they decided to have a sleep over last night with 10 of their little friends. I bet you know why I was happy too, don’t you? I had plenty of wine and devil’s dust on hand so I would be in a dirty mood. The higher I am, the dirtier I am. I can’t help it. Booze and powder make all my inhibitions go bye bye. Sober, I might not molest boys I don’t know. High, I will have a boy gang bang. That is just what I did too. I stripped them all naked so they could show me their little peckers. Guess what? They wanted to show me their boy dicks. In fact, my sons informed me that they all jerk their peckers at school reading my blogs and looking at my pictures. That made me super hot! So hot that I got on all fours and let them mount me like horny dogs. One little boy after another stock piled my ass and pussy, filling me with more baby batter than I have ever had at one time. I really do love being a dirty P mommy.