I stumbled across her today. She is beautiful. Soft and flirty. Her name is Sarah. Sarah is wearing the cutesiest little sun dress. With a little white sweater. She is laughing. A bubbly little soft laugh that is contagious. Sarah is so vibrant. So alive and fully of moxy. She is PERFECT. I know it from the moment I lay my eyes on her. I have to follow her for days. Finding the perfect time and place to take her. She is just as beautiful day after day. The whole time I am following her, I am thinking of how loud she will scream. How that beautiful whispy voice will turn in pain. Beg and plead. How her skin will look naked and cold. I cant help but to play with myself over and over again. Mmmm so many new experiences to teach her. So many ways to break her body and spirit! … So who do I get to help me break her in?