Ever had a toothless blow job? You heard me! I can gum you so good! Bite down hard as I am sucking and licking! And you will love every single moment of it! The harder I suck the harder you will get! I even like to use my tongue to tease your nuts while I suck you! You see these young things don’t know how to suck a cock. They don’t understand how to work a man up. How to tease and turn him on. I know just what you need. And just how to give it to you. With age comes wisdom. The knowledge on how to drive you crazy. And how to work that cock up until you are ready to explode. Are you ready for the time of your life? Wait till I wrap my big tits around that throbbing hard cock? I am going to fuck you so good! But that is just the way GILF’s do it!