Black cock phone sex is the best kind! The sad thing is black men rarely call me. They don’t need to because black men can get pussy anytime they want. White men with small dicks, they aren’t so lucky. White men don’t call to fuck me, however. I think most of you know better than to call for a fuck call when you see a woman with pictures of big black cocks surrounding her. Guys who call me are black cock faggots. They want to talk to a woman who understands them. A woman who has a black cock faggot husband. I don’t do phone sex to get off. I fuck black men for that! I love hearing about your experiences with big black dicks. I enjoy helping to train you to take big black dicks. I love shaming and cuckolding you because you don’t have a big black dick. Plus, I know it is hard to be honest about your desire for big black cocks. Only a few people know my husband is a black cock faggot. And he knows he is lucky to have a wife who feeds his addiction. Most wives would leave their men in a heartbeat if they knew they even thought about sucking big black cock. Not me. I am not just any woman. I am a black cock whore.