I get calls all day long from black cock phone sex faggots. Many are willing and others are forced into being cuckolds because of their small dicks. Look at the pictures you are seeing in my blog. The first picture is me with a worthy cock. The kind of cock your wife should be getting. The second picture is all the equipment one of my callers has to offer his wife. His wife deserves better. Hell, a Barbie doll deserves better. The two cocks in these pictures are vastly different. One can satisfy women. The other cannot satisfy a fly, LOL. My caller is still not used to being put to the curb while his wife is getting some real cock. I told my caller once she went black, she was never going back. Why would she? I give my caller cuckolding phone sex to reinforce that he is not the man in the relationship. Not with a frightened turtle as a dick. I mean it is so small, I thought it was a CGI picture at first. My husband is small, but in comparison to my caller’s dick, my husband looks like a porn star, LOL. I work with the wives of my cuckold callers not against them. I reinforce that they have worthless cocks. I shame them for even trying to think they could please their women. Micro penises exist, but they do not deserve love. My caller will never feel a woman’s touch again. The only way he can cum is when he masturbates. While my caller’s wife was upstairs screaming on a big black cock, I was laughing at his small dick and his pussy free existence. I will let a small dick wonder cum, but its by his own hand. I will never spread my legs or jack off a tinny dick. Like my caller’s wife, I deserve better. No woman deserves or wants a micro penis. If your wife is getting some big black cock, phone sex with me can help you come to terms with being a cuckold.