Author's posts
Black Friday Fun
I love the BLACK Friday sales. All the mommies run to the store. They leave there precious little sluts home all alone. Unprotected and just waiting for me. I have to put a lot of work into finding just the right whore. I cozy up with her mother to find out when she is leaving the house. I make sure that no one else but my prey home. Friday was better than most years. This bitch Monica who lives a few streets over. I have seen her little slut, Michelle, around the neighborhood. Michelle babysits for some of my neighbors. Monica was bragging about all the stores she was gonna hit. Leaving the house at 4 am. She even let it slip she has a hide a key under a plant on her stoop. It was so easy to slip in her house. It was like she was begging me to break in! I slipped right in. And went straight to Michelle’s room. She was sleeping so soundly! She never even woke up when I used the chloroform! I took her straight out to my cabin. Stripped her down and tied her up… Now I am just waiting for her to wake up. What ever shall I do with this young piece of meat?
Trick or Treat…
I LOVE Halloween. It is my favorite holiday. All the little sluts come to my door. One by one… begging me for candy. Just a perfect day. Think about it, sending precious little things out alone in the dark, to strangers houses. It is the best day of the year. I waited patiently for just the right little thing to ring my bell. I know instantly when it happened. It was VERY late. An hour after the last slut left. She was young. And all alone. I asked where her mommy was. And she told me her brother took her out. And he left her alone. And she was lost. Poor little thing. All alone in the big cruel world. I told her I had a big bag of candy in the house. And we would call her mommy and let her know where she was. Of course I faked that call. And I waited. To see if anyone showed up. After 30 min I knew I was safe. I grabbed the little whore by her hair and pulled her downstairs to the sound prof basement. I chained the little slut down. I cut her tiny costume off. There she is… naked and afraid. It ‘s time to play… but who should I get to play with me?
Break her In!
I stumbled across her today. She is beautiful. Soft and flirty. Her name is Sarah. Sarah is wearing the cutesiest little sun dress. With a little white sweater. She is laughing. A bubbly little soft laugh that is contagious. Sarah is so vibrant. So alive and fully of moxy. She is PERFECT. I know it from the moment I lay my eyes on her. I have to follow her for days. Finding the perfect time and place to take her. She is just as beautiful day after day. The whole time I am following her, I am thinking of how loud she will scream. How that beautiful whispy voice will turn in pain. Beg and plead. How her skin will look naked and cold. I cant help but to play with myself over and over again. Mmmm so many new experiences to teach her. So many ways to break her body and spirit! … So who do I get to help me break her in?
Halloween Fun!
Ever wonder what goes bump in the night. What’s scary thing is lurking in the shadows. Nobody ever things that I could be dangerous. And so sweet and innocent looking. Just a tiny little girl. They never realized that I’m your worst nightmare. That I know how I want to play in your blood. Nobody ever guess that I dream of ways to kill you. I love Halloween. I can dress up as a monster that I really am. And everyone thinks I’m just having fun. You’re all such trusts staying in carrying. I can walk away with any man just by batting my pretty little eyes. And telling them that I need help. I hate to break this to you but I don’t need help. I want to change your destiny. I want to fuck you up. That’s exactly what I’m going to do this Halloween. I’m going to kill as many fucking people as I can. I’m going slit your throats and hanging from trees. I’m going to mow you down with my car. I’m going to hack you up into little pieces. Because the scariest thing about Halloween is you will open your door and anybody.
Beg Bitch
I know you look,
At their sweet little faces.
It doesn’t matter the age or their races.
You see what I do.
Their innocence.
The possibilities are infinite.
Shall we take one or two?
Use ropes or chains,
Or will our hands do?
Will their clothes rip with ease?
Will their skin be soft as silk?
Will they beg and say please?
So many possibilities!
Just pick your pleasure.
What to do with our little Treasure!
Make her bleed.
Make her cry.
No need to wonder why.
We both know you need it!
Your cock is demanding,
That you feed it!
So let me spread her legs wide apart.
Give you a look at where to start!
Don’t be shy. Give her your dick.
Ram it in and make it stick!
Faster harder deeper too!
Teach what a whore must do!
Time to learn to be a slut!
Flip her over and ream her but!
I love the sounds she has to make.
As your cocks just takes and takes.
That is how you use a whore.
Make her cry and beg for more!
Your Destiny
I am the one who decides.
On when you suffer.
And when you die.
I will take my time to play.
Making you scream,
while having my way.
Nicking and cutting you to the bone.
As you beg
and plead to go home.
But all your screams turn me on.
You look so sweet
like a little fawn.
I will make your face my master piece.
Masks of blood,
make my pleasure increase.
I love the way you pull against the rope.
Like you could ever get free.
But I love your hope.
I will tighten the noose around your neck.
Keeping you in place.
For my final act!
You wont live thru it of course.
But I am going to impale you.
With GREAT force!
I want to watch you drained dry.
Slowly withering.
As you die.
As you slip further away.
I will let my friends use you.
In EVERY way!
I am sorry that is the way it has to be.
That is what I decided.
Your Destiny.
Sweet little piece of meat.
Waiting to be enjoyed.
Not a care in the world.
She has no idea how her life,
is about to be unfurled.
She dances and sings,
and twirls about.
Not knowing I’m watch,
There is no doubt.
But her destiny has been decided,
She no longer has choice.
I will take her tonight.
She will never again rejoice.
So I will give her these moments.
Because I love the hunt.
Those moments of danger.
Before I snatch that cunt.
Then when I have her.
All hell breaks loose.
Time to teach this slut,
How she was made to be used.
Start by cutting off her clothes.
Slowly with a BIG knife.
I want to smell the fear on her.
When she fears for her life.
And when she is naked.
And tied to the posts.
Then the fun starts.
For me and my hosts.
I grabbed to her to share.
And I will let him go first.
He can use her until his need
has been dispersed.
I like to hear her screams of despair.
Begging and pleading for us to stop.
He will keep going till he cums.
Then it is time for us to swap.
I don’t want her innocents.
Which is good because it is gone!
I want her to know.
She will be dead before dawn.
I will go slowly,
Slicing and cutting away.
Removing all her hope.
Until for death she will pray.
And I will give her what she needs.
I am going to chock her to death.
I will let you go again.
Sliding deep inside her till she takes her last breath.
Snuff phone Sex with Destiny
Snuff phone sex is all I could think about when I saw her walking down the street. Holding her soda and her pink phone. She was wearing the smallest little school uniform. I’m sure it looked small because of how long her legs were. She had the biggest emerald eyes I have ever seen. The darkest jade green with little specs of gold. I followed her for a few blocks as she laughed and text on her phone. And when a big gust of wind blew her little skirt up, She didn’t even try to pull it back down. I knew right then I had to have her! I had to follow her for days. To school and home. It can be so hard to to pick the right moment. But I do love the hunt. I learned every second of her day. She likes ice cream. And sneaks candy. She can text with out looking at the keypad. And she is happy. Always smiling. She teases the boys. But doesn’t have a boyfriend. And she goes to the movies every Saturday with her girlfriends.This week was finally my chance! I took her outside of the ladies bathroom. It was right by the exit. And she never saw me coming. I walked her right by the door. Of course I left her phone in the bathroom. By the time she came around I had her in my basement. She was just as perfect when I stripped her out of her uniform! I started her out with an ice cold hose down. Tied up at first. Then letting her free to cower in the corner
. I enjoy watching her cry. Those happy eyes .. sad and weepy. I can smell the fear on her. Now comes the fun part. The part I have waited so long for. Her perfect pert body. Naked and begging. Ooh she is so scared she doesn’t even try to fight. I call over Brandon to help me. He loves the young tight little things to play with. Her ice cold skin has goose bumps all over it. That makes it bruise so easy. I grab her arm and pull her to the table. She tried to run then. To make a break for it. I had to slam her pretty face into the table to get her attention again. Then she laid down like a good whore. I tied her back down. Even putting a heavy rope against her neck. I wanted it to cut into her as she fought. And she would fight. When she saw the knives. But it was to late. I only got to cut her a few times before Brandon wanted his turn. I sliced her left breast. And once across her right check. Brandon gets so turned on by blood. He couldn’t wait anymore. He slide up between her legs and burred his fat cock inside her. She screamed out so loud! And I saw the blood! A little virgin. It drove Brandon CRAZY. He started fucking her like a rutting pig! Slamming into her hard enough to move the table. The heavy rope was digging into her pretty neck making it bleed. The harder he fucked her the more it chocked her. The more it chocked her the more blood came trickling out. More blood turned Brandon on making him fuck her harder! He slammed into her so hard I heard the loud pop! And I knew what he did. I was PISSED! He broke her fucking neck! I didn’t get to torture her for hours like I wanted! Oooh he said he was sorry but that isn’t good enough! I guess I have to go back out and find a perfect pray again… but I do so love the hunt! So I guess it isn’t to bad!
Accomplice Phone Sex
Accomplice Phone Sex is what I need right now! I do love the hunt. Sometimes you see the perfect prey. You just know instantly! I was at a local football game. She was … adorable and one of the girls in the band. She was wearing the CUTEST little purple leotard with Gold fringe trim. She had long dark hair and even from high up in the stand I can see how beautiful and green her eyes were! I knew I had to have her. She seemed so … perky. So innocent! I knew just the right one! I had to hang around after the game just to follow her home! I was so lucky. She lived in a VERY nice neighborhood. I was worried I would not be able to take her, And I REALLY needed to take her. But as luck would have it. Her older brother left the house and didn’t shut the door all the way! What a stupid mistake! I was able to sneak in. The family was in the kitchen talking. I made my way upstairs and and found her room. So cute! I took some pics with my phone inviting Roy and Bob to the cabin. Then I slide under her bed and waited. I watched her.. and she didn’t even know. Changing her clothes. Getting ready for bed. Brushing her teeth! And then I waited for the house to go quite. I had already laced her pillow with just the right amount of sleep aid. I knew she was passed the fuck out. I was able to pick her up and carry her right out the front door. It was easy, she didn’t even weigh 80 lbs. I had parked a few houses down. The house was vacant and had a tall hedge so I knew no one would even noticed. The little thing was still out when we got to the cabin. The guys were OF COURSE already waiting! I told them she was OBVIOUSLY still a virgin, going by her age! And since she was so special, they would have to bid to see who went first! The guys were eager and willing to shell out the BIG bucks for the little dear! Of course Roy won. He paid an unseemly amount to trash her little cunt first! I got to watch as he smacked her awake! Then he tore off her clothes. She was trying to figure out what was going on. Screaming and looking around so doe eyed! He started pinching and pulling on her tits! He was even biting her! Then he pulled her legs apart and shoved his fat cock inside! He fucked her like an animal! And then emptied his load inside of her! It turned me on so much I had to play with myself! Bob was eager to take over and asked If I would join him! I climbed up and sat on her face while listening to her screams against my pussy as he used her ass and cunt! Mmmm so good! I was in such a good mood I let the guys bid on who got to kill her! It doesn’t matter. I got what I wanted and a small fortune!
Snuff Phone Sex with Destiny
Sometimes I have special friends who ask for a special treat. Its not so easy finding exactly what someone wants! Even when they make it easy and tell me a specific girl they want. Figuring out how to take her.. When she is alone. It is a lot of work. Brian had a very special request. He wanted Sindy the girl next door. BUT there had already been an incident with him. And he knew he would need an alibi. That means a lot of planning. I followed the little bitch for days. But she had no set schedule. And I knew once school started this week her time off would be less. My chances would be less also. I had to take her soon. But I was beginning to think I wouldn’t be able to snatch her. Until I saw Sindy post a little flier on the bulletin board at the local grocery store. I couldn’t believe my luck! She was advertising herself as a babysitter. She even gave her cell phone number! The house next to mine is empty. And I knew instantly what to do. I called her and set up an appointment for her to come out to see me the next day. I gave the empty address as mine. I made sure Brian had a Good alibi for her abduction. He volunteers at the homeless shelter a few times a week. An hour before her arrival time I plugged in my cell phone jammer. And waited for her to show up. She was right on time! I was outside watering my flowers. She went up to the door and knocked. I could tell she was confused. She tried to use her cell but it didn’t work. That is when I called out to her. “Sweetie we don’t get reception here. Would you like to use my house phone?” She checked her watch. I could tell she was worried about it. But then she said yes. She walked right in my front door. And then I knocked her the fuck out. I tossed her in my car and drove her out to the cabin. She woke up when I was stripping her down. She was screaming someone would find her. But they wont. They will find her empty car by an empty house. She asked me when the neighbors moved. Then I thought she was going home. I didn’t even notice her car was still there. The look in her eyes. She knew I was right. I pulled out my knife and started cutting her clothes off. Telling her how this cabin use to belong to an old client. He left it to me. But I never got around to putting it in my name. I pay the taxes with a money order in his name. So no one can EVER track this place back to me. And it sits on 112 acres of land. Private property. No one will ever hear her scream. I cut all her clothes off. She is beautiful. Young tight and so scared. Just the way I like them. I saved every inch of her. And rubbed lotion all over her. When Brian gets here in a week he is going to want to party with this little slut! He had to go on like nothing has happened. Let them follow him. Search his house. And I get to play with the little slut until he gets here! I cant break her yet not till he is done with her! But she is just to pretty to wait! I am going to throw a little play party and watch her get fucked so good! What Brian doesn’t know doesn’t hurt him! She just looks picture perfect tied to the table and begging for attention!