I decided to treat myself to a massage. I had lucked up and gotten a very handsome masseuse. He instructed me to undress and gave me a little towel to cover my bottom with. Being a stripper, I am much more comfortable in the nude, so I didn’t even bother with the towel, knowing it would be moved when he massaged my bottom anyway. Slow, sensual music played on the overhead speakers, lulling me into a sense of relaxation. The joint I smoked beforehand, may have a little to do with the relaxed state my mind was in as well. The masseuse came back in the room and I heard an intake of his breath as he saw me lying before him completely nude instead of covered. He started at my back, massaging deeply. He then went to my feet, with the intentions of working his way back up my legs. As he started on my feet, I began to moan. My feet have always been sensitive and this man knew how to manipulate them in a way that really turned me on. He continued working on my feet, paying special attention to the arches and heels. Then my big toe felt warm and wet. I knew he had taken it into his mouth. I felt his tongue swirl around my toe in an erotic fashion before moving to the next. By the time he finished bathing all 10 toes with his mouth, and tracing the lines of my feet with his tongue, my pussy was soaked and I was begging for cock. I was so turned on, I came as soon as he entered me, soaking his cock and the massage table with my juices. He fucked me with an erotic passion that I had not felt in a long time, causing my pussy to squirt before he finally released himself deep inside of me.