I’ve been training Anastasia to be the perfect Mistress, just like me. She is learning well with lots of practice humiliating our loser sissy! Some of my favorite things to make this loser sissy do is sing to me, over and over again. She just fucking adores to be forced into humiliation. I should say that the site sissy loser doesn’t have to be forced to do anything at all because she wants to do, begs to do it just begs for the humiliation that we give her. That’s not all the dirty little secrets I have about sissy! I have some VERY dirty (literally) secrets and I know that as soon as sissy lays her eyes on this blog she’ll be making that poopy panty pudding all over again. Oops! I let the secret out…as if everyone didn’t already know that our site sissy loser liked to poop in her panties. That’s even more embarrassing than the size of your itty bitty winky. What else can I do but laugh at a pathetic failure like yourself. A failure at being a man but definitely are winning at being a stupid pathetic sissy. The kind of sissy that has no control, that begs for this over and over and doesn’t care if she gets caught or exposed because what you really want is to entertain and be the silly fairy faggot you are and as I help teach Anastasia how to be a superior mistress like myself we will continue to use you for practice in our humiliation towards you, got that you poopsie panty pudding sissy? That might as well be your new name – I might even write a song and make you sing it. Who knows – I can make you do anything! We all know that…don’t we? Go ahead and go clean up sissy, we all know you have plenty of panty pudding to take care of.