Accomplice phone sex something that I excel at, do you? Now on the positive side I am good with being either the instigator or the helper. Depending on what you prefer.
All things considered being able to help you with breaking into a house, or holding a hot young thing down. This alone gets this pussy soaking wet.
Needing to see how hard you get when we enter through the window. I right alongside of you. Hand brushing down along your groin. Without delay entering the bedroom.
Look at them young ones sound asleep in bed. Mommy sleeping with her tykes. Rip for the plucking. Go ahead. I will hold Mommy down. You know you want too.
Mommy too old for you. Perhaps that rip little tyke sleeping sucking their thumb. Imagine it sucking on your cock. Fucking that mouth. Tears running down their cheeks.
Now that is what I like to see. A cock hard, pre-cum oozing out. Urging you on. Next, time I will be the instigator and you get to be the accomplice.