Many girls like to pretend they don’t get off on getting fucked on first dates. I personally enjoy being able to let myself go and be used. I love fucking on first dates. After getting all worked up and getting all wet in my panties, I want to bend over and take your cock. I have fucked in the oddest places when the mood strikes up. In movie theatres, in restaurants, in concerts. You name it, and I guarantee I have had a fucking amazing climax.
Usually, I might even let you fuck me even if I don’t see a potential second date on the horizon. When I get horny, I need a dick. I don’t worry if it’s someone I can see a potential future with because I am not looking for that. I am enjoying being a young cum slut, and my idea of a good time is being rammed, watching porn, and having amazing 2 girl phone sex with a friend. I love threesomes too! I am a filthy slut, and I admit that my dick appointment is what keeps going.