It’s not easy being a good Mom nowadays. Everybody thinks their way of teaching is the best. With all these books and movies and the internet, there’s almost too much shitty information out there. I like to keep things simple, especially when I’m teaching my males about sex. From the time they started to get little bulges I swung into action and took the bull by the horn, so to speak . I’m the one who made sure they knew what to do with hard ons when they got one, and I explained why they got one. Now they show me immediately and I take care of it and make it go away, and they love me for it. I know so because they say ‘I love you Mommy, you make me feel better’. I make sure though that they know not to tell anyone else outside the family. They know there are bad people out there who will try to tear our family apart, people that think they know what’s best. My family has been learning this way for many many generations. You know what they say, a family that loves one another really loves one another. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, and if it’s hard, Mom will make it go away.