This is my very favorite time of year. It is a very sentimental reason too. Back when I only had one of my girls we had just got done trick or treating and I was giving her a bath while I was putting making up and doing my nails when she looked at me from the tub, pointed at my pussy and said, “What is?” Then she looked down at herself and pointed. I smiled at her and got down on my knees by the tub and pointed to her little cunny and said, “Pussy.” Then I stood up and said, “What’s this?” and pointed to my own. She looked up at me and said, “Pussy.” Actually it came out more like “uppsy” but she was close enough.
That began my journey as a P-Mommy. I showed her all sorts of things about her body, mostly when she was taking a bath because I would get into the tub with her. It wasn’t scary for her this way, she just knew her Mommy was in the tub with her and she was touching Mommy and Mommy was touching her. Every day I would take her for a walk in the crisp air, making sure to be out long enough to were we were a cold when we got home. We would make a game out of who could get their clothes off the fastest and under the nice warm blankets on Mommy’s bed.
This is where the play time went a little further. There are so many wonderful memories of the first taste of her, the first time she kissed my clit, the first time she fingered me, the first time we deep kissed. With each one after her I made it a tradition to start the grooming in the fall, it is what I did with all my girls. I love my girls, I love what they do for me when I need to them, and how they helped make fall my favorite time of the year.