She thought it was all a game. Who am I to deny her unrealized request? She had bragged that she wasn’t afraid of scary movies. What better way to introduce her to real horror than a 2 on 1 torture session? So young, so sweet, so completely naive. Your look of revulsion doesn’t last long does it? I am there, pushing you, telling you to become the true monster I know you are. You listened to my plans beforehand thinking I was merely weaving a story of only fantasy. I noticed the second your dick twitched in anticipation and knew I was going to paint you a bloody, gore-filled picture of blood that would shake you to your core. You didn’t realize your dark secrets were so close to the surface. You hadn’t expected to be so turned on seeing her being ripped apart. But I did. I knew. From the moment I set eyes on you I knew what was inside. Trapped just inside the surface begging to be released. You wrecked havoc on that sweet little body. So long you have waited, it’s finally time you started being the beast I know you you to be. Now it’s time to find the next unsuspecting victim to play in our deadly game of death.
o that you could. you left me demented