He was a pansy-ass who couldn’t even get it up. He couldn’t cook or clean, couldn’t fuck, and couldn’t please me in any way, but wanted my company for his party. Well, the one thing he did have going for him was a fat wallet. So, the day of the party, I made him take me shopping for a new outfit for the occasion. As I was trying on dresses, I got really horny, so I asked the sales associate to come help me with the dress. When he came, I pulled him into the room with me and slid my leg up his hip as I undid his pants. He was balls deep in my cunt before he caught up with what was going on. His hands came around me, and he tried to shut the door. I wanted my date to see, though, so I held it open while I pounded my cunt up and down on his cock over and over. When I finally came, so did the sales guy, all up inside of me. I excused him as I continued to take the dress in question off. Then, I called my date over, and I made him crawl on his hands and knees into the room, and sniff and lick my juicy, cum-filled cunt. We finished buying my dress, along with an entirely new set of lingerie, stockings, heels, and jewelry. Then, I made him buy me lunch, and eat my cunt the entire time that I dined. I had such an amazing time that I treated him extra nicely at the party that night.