I can’t remember the last time I have fucked without any substances getting me through the deed. I’m so obsessed with fucking and getting high. My pussy squirts way better when I have done several lines of coke and have had cock after cock in every single hole. I’m such a disgusting pig. I don’t care if there’s a condom on that cock. Fuck me, raw. I don’t care about the consequences. If you knock me up or spread some disease to me, it doesn’t make me cringe. As long as I get a good orgasm, I am down for it all. I sure as hell do love to work the corners and sleep around. Everyone knows me in my city, so lately I’ve done something extra. It’s pretty embarrassing, but I don’t carry any shame at all. I have gotten to other cities and even states. My pussy has honestly gone through a lot. I’ve fucked of Texas, I’m sure. It’s something that’s not to be proud of, but I’m such a dirty whore it gets me off. I love to get paid and waste every penny on chasing the high. Also, I love to be fucked so hard I pass out instantly.