Being a P-Mommy is simply incredible! What is there not to like about it? Nothing! Not only do my girls help me out, but when it’s just them and I we can have our special bonding time together. I hear it all the time at PTA meetings how some of the girls of other Mom’s do not spend time with them like they used to. The girls spend all their time with friends, or on their phones, no more time for Mom. This is when I get to brag about how close my girls and I are. My girls spend all their time with me (unless they are with their Dad) when they are not in school. The other Moms ask what my secret is. I’m not going to tell them of course. lol
I am not going to tell them how from the time my girlies were super young I gave them a special kind of attention and love. I won’t tell them how wonderful it is when at night if their little clitties need to be touched they come into my bed and wake me up. They touch mine as I touch theirs, or I have my tongue pressed up against it as their little bodies push against it. Having a bald, sweet pussy wiggling against your mouth without hesitation is orgasm inducing! I also cannot tell them how I show them how to use toys so they can better take cocks, or how I teach them how to suck off a big dildo just so they can please a real cock.
I can’t tell them, but I can tell you.